Saturday, January 17, 2009

The never-ending memory


Well, its the official last day for my course. Well, what I do on this day itself is attending a listening test.

The listening was sort of simple but I got no idea what made me panic. My lecturer even commented me on purpose of being panic.

Half of my class took a memorable picture before we leave/graduate. I guess each and every of us will be apart. T_T , sad one le. One go Monash, few going to Metro, most staying Taylors.

Bash, Lynn, Kiet, KaF, & Woi

" Why you put ur hand on private part ?" said Lynn. =.=!

Left Tbs earlier, and accidentally met up wit Kuan outside the lift. I asked her which University she going to apply for.

She told me she applied for a University called "Surf" or some word starts with a "S" which located at Nilai. After many of chatting, she finally confess of lying to me. Haaha. Then, we took a picture together as a memory?

Some random shots of lame people vandalising. Cool anyway.

Wanna do my revision for BST papers. Wish I won't fail this time .

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